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W- Weight Loss Tips That Work

Weight Loss Tips That Work

Many of us struggle to find balance with our diets and exercise plans. We wish to lose weight in spite of eating and giving in to our cravings. Sometimes we experiment with diets that work for a while and then give up to say it’s not working. What can I say? As I have also done that and been there.

However, Lockdown has pushed me to do a lot of research to realize that there are plenty of myths about weight loss. We need to get the facts straight that weight-loss diets are neither magic nor scientific formulae. But these tips below will definitely help you on your weight loss journey without much effort yet will prove effective.

Weight Loss Tips That Work

1. Plan your meal

I sit down with a paper and pen to plan my meals on a weekly basis for each day. It ensures proper listing of balanced diet comprising of all nutrients. I make sure my meals during the day contain 50 % fruits & vegetables, 25% whole grains and 25% proteins.

2. Avoid liquid calories

Make a conscious effort to cut down on your consumption of tea/coffee during the day. The sugar in those cups only adds empty calories and keeps you away from your weight loss goals. Drinking sugar-sweetened soda and juices may be cool for summer but they offer nothing but energy and are loaded with calories without offering nutritional benefits. Eliminate them from your diet and watch the pounds fall off the weighing scale.

3. Reach out for that glass of water

Our bodies decipher thirst as hunger so every time your stomach growls and craves for food, drink a glass of water instead. A person can often satisfy feelings of hunger between meal times with a glass of water. Also, 80%of the human body comprises of water.

4. Do not skip breakfast

By no cost, you should skip the first meal of the day. Skipping your breakfast will not help you save calories or lose weight. You will even miss out on vital nutrients and not send good signals to your brain. As they say have “Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, and Dinner Like a Pauper”

Weight Loss Tips That Work

5. Engage in more physical activities

Even though you may have lead a sedentary lifestyle it’s never too late to change. Being active while performing any kind of exercise is the key to help you lose weight. Exercise can help you burn calories and release happy endorphins in the body that will help you lose weight faster.

6. Read food labels

While shopping at super markets its very important that you read the food labels. Do not only check for expiry dates but check the calorie information printed at the pack. Sometimes cereals and juices are loaded with sugar and definitely you can do without them if you wish to lose weight effectively.

Weight Loss Tips That Work

7. Use smaller plates

It would be a good practice to use smaller plates for meals. The plate looks fuller, and your eyes tell your brain that there is plenty of food for you to eat. This will get you to eat a smaller portion and you will be gradually get used to eating less without feeling hungry.

8. Do not stock junk food

The best way to avoid eating junk food is to not stock it at home. If I have a constant craving for chocolates then don’t buy and stock them.  Instead, you can opt for healthy snacks, such as whole wheat food items, jaggery and peanut chikki etc.

9. Record what you eat

If you bite it then write it. This is the simple rule I follow. I write down everything I eat or drink. You can use the apps available or then just maintain a food journal. It helps in recognizing your eating patterns and the calories you consume. Makes you more conscious of your food consumption and habits.

Weight Loss Tips That Work

10. Stay positive

Don’t expect your weight loss journey to be an easy one. Weight loss is a gradual and a slow process. It will not happen in one day yet will certainly happen if you are committed to your weight loss goals. So don’t  be discouraged at all. Never let anyone make you feel that you CANT… Because you CAN and you will if you put your mind to it.

So hang in there and help yourself follow the weight loss program or the Weight Loss Tips That Work set for you by your specialist. A successful weight-loss program requires you to persevere and don’t give up when self-change seems difficult.

And here is my post for letter V – Vipassana, the art of Meditation

A preschool teacher, social media influencer, lifestyle & food blogger. Added hobbies are travel, movies, and fashion, going for events, socializing, networking and making new friends.


    • Snigdha

      Having smaller plates in a regular interval of time is good rather than starving in the name of dieting . exercise and proper diet plan is also necessary.

  • Surbhi prapanna

    Such an informative post and you had covered it all. Reading the label and smart shopping are one of the most important thing that helps in weight loss process. And personally, I keep this thing always in my mind while shopping.

  • Roma

    The points are so worthy buddy especially we pile a lot of liquid calories in India by multiple cups of tea and coffee. Also using small plates is a good idea

  • Preeti Chauhan

    I think for me, planning the meals in advance and stocking up on low calories foods is what works most, also cutting down on salt and sugar and increasing water intake helps with water retention .

    • Varsh

      I have followed every single tip in this list and I know it works. Breakfast is crucial, so is the need to log down our food intake to keep a close tab. There’s no alternative to exercise, period.

  • Dr Bushra

    That’s very helpful tips to follow for weight loss. Most of us skip breakfast while doing this, but your post clear many doubts

  • Judy Morris

    To be honest during this lockdown the one thing I am battling is my growing weight. Thanks for these practical tips. I am going to drink more water and stop stocking junk food altogether.

  • MeenalSonal Mathur

    I follow most of the tips, but using a smaller plate is a good idea, mentally also we will feel plate is full and yes staying positive is also important as in stress people tend to eat more.

  • Amrit Kaur

    Staying positive and ignoring junk food has helped me to reduce weight and improve my lifestyle. Planning meal is also necessary as physical activities are.

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