How can nutrition help to improve your strength within and outside?
How can nutrition help you improve your strength within and outside?
Get Ensure to #EnsureAStronger2018
Ensure stronger 2018 – In my earlier post in the month of January, I had made a New Years’ resolution to get stronger and fitter in 2018, adopting Ensure in my diet. In the year 2017, you saw a very indulgent SweetAnnu gorging on tasty treats while going for food and restaurant reviews. A food blogger’s job is beyond indulging in heavy food so I decided to make the difference. So besides trying to eat healthy meals including fruits and vegetables, I took the pledge to add healthy proteins and nutritive value meals to my diet. ENSURE TO MY RESCUE It has been three months now since I have added…
Some Guilt Free Snacking with Get Baked
Healthy Snacking with Get Baked Get Baked Products – Why do we eat fried and unhealthy food? Doesn’t this happen to all of us? Our overscheduled life gets us a little nuttier than normal and we end up going straight for that bag of chips and endless cups of sugared Colas or coffee. And the time to workout never comes adding to that extra weight we hate to put on. Right? What if I told you to Go ahead and indulge, go guilt-free and bite into a nutritious Chocolate chip cookie. Would you believe me? You would think of the calories you will take on with every bite. Read on…