• Food,  Lifestyle

    Best Ways To Improve your Cholesterol Levels

    My annual Lipid profile blood report was quite alarming and shocking. My Cholesterol levels are on the higher side. High Cholesterol levels means a high risk of heart diseases and heart attacks in the future. This encouraged me to investigate the ways that could help me to improve my levels. The Best Ways to improve your cholesterol levels are listed below High cholesterol expands your danger of coronary illness and cardiovascular diseases. Prescriptions and medication can help improve your cholesterol. Be that is being too lazy, I would prefer making lifestyle changes to support and improve my condition Infact medication, diet and lifestyle changes go hand in hand. The efforts…

  • The best cooking oils
    BlogChatter A to Z,  Food

    The Best Cooking Oils for your Health

    Any type of cooking, baking or frying requires the usage of oil. Just about anyone can empty some oil into a dish and begin to cook. Yet, choosing the best cooking oils for your health can prove a difficult task. We can decide on the type of oil required, this depends on the dish. And also on whether you plan to bake, sauté, grill, fry, deep-fry, or roast, as all types of cooking oils produce different results. Vital Role of Cooking Oils The cooking oil we use plays a very vital role in determining the quality of food we eat. However, choosing the right oil can be a difficult task.…

  • 10 benefits of laughter
    BlogChatter A to Z,  Lifestyle

    10 Benefits of Laughter – So LOL as much as you want.

    Why do experts quote “Laughter is the best medicine’? Definitely, there is something more to it. Laughter surely is a strong dose of medicine that gets people to bond over happy and funny moments they share with each other. Why do we enjoy a good comic film, even if it is a slapstick silly comedy? Aamir Khan in 3 idiots or Salman Khan’s funny comic timing in Judwaa? Let‘s learn the 10 benefits of laughter 1. Laughter helps relax the entire body. What a good, hearty laugh does it eases the nerves that are tensed dues to stress and worry. It gets each muscle in the body to relax for…

  • avoid Weight gain on vacation
    BlogChatter A to Z,  Travel

    How to avoid weight gain on vacation

    How to avoid weight gain on vacation? Being a big foodie, I often worry about a how-to on a holiday. However strongly I wish to dine and try all the restaurants,  local cuisine my friends recommend. However weight gain is my biggest concern at the back of my mind. However, it is proven that after a holiday, many holidaymakers actually don’t lose all the weight they gained during a vacation. So with experience and trial and testing, I discovered a few tricks that will work are the small things you can do to not gain weight on vacation. Research about the local cuisine Almost all destinations have their special delicacies…

  • Food,  Lifestyle

    Get Ensure to #EnsureAStronger2018

    Ensure stronger 2018 – In my earlier post in the month of January, I had made a New Years’ resolution to get stronger and fitter in 2018, adopting Ensure in my diet. In the year 2017, you saw a very indulgent SweetAnnu gorging on tasty treats while going for food and restaurant reviews. A food blogger’s job is beyond indulging in heavy food so I decided to make the difference. So besides trying to eat healthy meals including fruits and vegetables, I took the pledge to add healthy proteins and nutritive value meals to my diet. ENSURE TO MY RESCUE It has been three months now since I have added…

  • vitamin E Supplements
    Food,  Lifestyle

    Keep Calm and Love Vitamin E

    What is all this fuss about vitamin E Supplements? Is it magic? Is it a drug? Does it have side effects? How does it work? So many questions running like Rajdhani Express in the mind. Now is the time to bust those myths and get those facts straight. So check out my personal experience in the post below. What is Vitamin E? 1. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. It has important anti-oxidant properties that protect the cells from damage caused by free radicals. 2. Vitamin E deficiencies are rare, except in infants or in people with fat absorption problems, which are common for those who struggle with inflammatory bowel…