N- Napping can improve your overall wellbeing
Napping can improve your overall wellbeing. Check the benefits of Napping. #sweetannuwrites #blogchatterA2Z
A – Start Your Day with Positive Affirmations #BlogchatterA2Z
What is a positive affirmation? An Affirmation is a positive statement one should tell yourself, preferably in the morning so that your day starts well. It is the mantra that jumpstarts the day on a positive note. These affirmations are specific one-liner that keeps negative thought at bay. Positive affirmations were first developed in the 1970s by neuroscientists who tried it out using psychology and therapy to rewire minds and thinking patterns in negative people. I have seen the use of affirmations in my Nursery class and its effect on young children too. The main benefits of positive affirmations: Helps to think Rationally Enhances problem-solving strategies Reduces anxiety and stress…
C – Things to Do in Captivating Cambodia #A2ZChallenge
Things to do in Cambodia A hidden gem in Southeast Asia that has just been discovered by tourists around the world. Though Cambodia is a popular tourist destination, it’s not much talked about. Captivating Cambodia offers temples, beautiful islands life and beaches to all those who visit. Rich in culture and history. And now tourism is slowly evolving as a top industry of the country. A country you don’t want to miss, so plan a visit and strike it off your travel bucket list. This country is full of amazing sights you will wish to capture in your camera and memory bank forever. How to get to Cambodia The major…
BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2019 Theme Reveal
BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2019 2018 was the year when I first got to learn about the Blogchattera2z challenge 2019. Wondering if I could ever achieve such a feat, I wished to jump on this moving train. That year I was a tad bit late, infact just a day late. I then, tweeted to the blogchatter team to let me be a part of it, the admin positively told me to participate the next year-round as the challenge registrations were closed. A little dejected back then but nonetheless kept reading and was updated on my friend’s posts who were participating. It’s 2019, and guess what? This year I am well prepared, excited…