How can nutrition help to improve your strength within and outside?
Getting through the day is not enough! We should also be focusing on our wellbeing and immunity so that we can be stronger, healthier and more confident as we start stepping out again.

Enhancing your overall health to improve your strength within and outside by adding a good exercise and diet routine to help structure your day is one way to do this. But how easy is this in reality? There are days when we get physically exhausted and feel like nothing’s going right. Your muscles hurt; the body feels stiff and lethargic. And how does one overcome this fatigue?
Muscles play an important part
It was a shocking discovery when I took the muscle age test to check my muscle age. It was an alarming revelation that my muscles are ageing faster than me in spite of an adequate nutritional diet. It is difficult to build and maintain muscle mass after the age of 40.[1] I took the muscle age test, check the details below.
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Good nutritional drink helps you strengthen your muscles to a major extent. But am I giving my body the right kind of nutrition it requires and taking it at the right time? Complete nutrition is like building blocks, that everybody needs to fuel up to carry out bodily activities throughout the day.
“Nutrition is very important for lending support our muscle mass which one loses with age.”
What are the right muscle building nutrients?
Besides consuming fats and carbohydrates in the right quantity it is most important to increase one’s high-protein intake for gaining muscle mass. A recommended protein intake of 0.5 to 1 gram/lbs of body weight has to be ideally consumed[2]. Some foods that are high on proteins are eggs, red meat, chicken, dairy products, soya etc.
It can be difficult to get the perfect nutrients in the right amounts. Lack of such protein rich foods can be compensated with Ensure. It’s so important to take control of our wellbeing so we have the strength and energy to do the things from within and outside.
But Why Ensure?
1. Ensure has always been my fitness partner and has helped me gain muscle mass.
2. It is scientifically designed to provide supplemental nutrition with essential nutrients so you can regain lost muscle strength. It’s important to get the right nutrients in the right amounts especially for an ageing adult.
Trying to keep ourselves healthy and happy is easier said than done. However, we need to find a nutritional strategy that can aid us in the new normal scenario by being strong within and outside. Hence #EnsureStrongerInsideOut with Ensure.
[1] https://aaptiv.com/magazine/regain-muscle-mass-after-age-50
[2] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-protein-per-day
[1] https://www.eatright.org/fitness/training-and-recovery/building-muscle/strength-building-and-muscle-mass

Pratibha P
I’ve been consuming Ensure for years now and it’s made a difference.
Dipali Bhasin
The muscle age test is revelatory and an eye-opener about our strength and fitness. #Ensure is a good supplement to ensure that all the deficiencies in our nutrition are well taken care of.
Bedabrata Chakraborty
I took the muscle age test as well with some trepidation. Thankfully the result was good.
Aesha Shah
I am glad you took corrective measures at the right time after taking the msucle age test. Ensure is certianly a game changer.
I started using Ensure to support my fitness routine and it has been a great help in keeping my energy levels up.
Harjeet Kaur
The muscle age test should be taken by everyone. So that everyone can focus on a healthy lifestyle and take supplements to stay fit. #EnsureStrongerInsideOut
Sandy N Vyjay
Muscle strength is very important and to maintain that the right nutrients are needed. Ensure is a really good supplement for ensuring the right nutrients for muscle growth and strength.
Ambica Gulati
This seems like deja vu. In the morning, I was thinking that maybe I should try Ensure again for my painful muscles. And then I read your post! I think it’s time to buy my box now.
I think I will get my muscle age test done. Thanks for reminding me through your post. It is so important to have the good nutritional food so we are strong and fit.
Karthik Murali H
Irrespective of any meetings, I always ensure go to gym atleast 4-5 times a week with a min of 1 hour of workout time. Its super important to keep a tab on muscle age and stay fit
Alpana Deo
My routine seems incomplete without my daily workout of 30-40 minutes . It keeps me energized throughtout the day. And also keep me active and fit.
Cindy D'Silva
Nutrition – the right way is very important for our body. Hope people soon also understand that overdoing anything is also as bad as not doing anything at all.
Surbhi Prapanna
yes agree dear we need to take care of our nutrition properly for good muscular strength and muscle health. this step becomes more important when we aged. ensure seems like a great brand to support this journey.
Neha Sharma
I was not aware that our muscles start aging sooner and it’s difficult to build and maintain muscle strength after a certain age. I am also going to take this test to check my muscle age. Thanks for sharing about it.
Archana Srivastava
I, too, have never thought of taking my muscle age test; your post made me curious to check mine ASAP. Yes, I strongly agree muscle strength matters for longer retaining physical strength, which can be only achieved by following the proper nutrition. I have seen the miraculous healthy result in my family of having Ensure drink.
Shilpa Garg
Muscles power our every movement, even our balance and posture! With age, the strength and quality of our muscles deteriorate. Health Supplements like Ensure help to build, repair and maintain our muscles. Thanks for the reminder!!
Gunjan Upadhyay
I got introduced to Ensure once i friend had a surgery and doctors advised it for regaining the muscle mass. It is so helpful to have such health supplements fill in the gaps and meets your health requirements. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this